Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative Edward R. Tufte Graphic Press, PO Box 430 Cheshire, CT 06410 1997 P 93.5 .T846 1997 Notes from review: (page) note (21) use of time progression to show trends (21) grid lines should be _unobtrusive_ -> light and barely there. they are for reference, not to comptete with content (25) use of scale: find the right breadth of axis on the page. sometimes there is more than one trend, so check up and down 1 order of magnitude, if appropriate (29) histograms require an approriate "bucket" size (often referred to granularity or resolution). trial and error may be required. see cholera cause and effect example (39-53) great discussion on the Challenger "launch" decision and use of information to present the case not to launch (41) draw charts for you audience -> if the level of detail is stupefying, it will be _less_ convincing! (74-75) small differences can really bring elements and trends out or sink them into obscurity (90-91) cool chart on evolution of genres of music (throughout) several really good examples and discusions on conceptual and information relationships (general) return to this book for figure ideas (great resource) END